Below are some of the pages that I created/improved on.

One noticeable improvement that I made into this page is the slide-show function. The module is currently set to rotate between 4 images of the UH dormitories. An admin user can easily modify the images by uploading the desired image onto Drupal through the use of Image module.
Another noticeable addition is the CAS login links at the lower right corner of the header section. Both of the links, User and Admin, links to the UH CAS login page where the user can login using their UH username and password.

Above is the resource page. I modified the sub-menus to appear just below the main-menu so instead of letting it sit on the left-side of the page which clutters it up unnecessarily.

This is the Energy Hub sub-section of the Resource tab. This page was a quite a challenge with Drupal. It contains two tabs-within-tabs modules which allows the user to switch between multiple nodes without reloading the entire page.

Above is the Kukui Cup page which simply explains what the competition is about, why should you compete, how to compete, etc.

This billboard page merely describes how you can win the competition, what the rewards are, etc.

This help page provides the users with a general information about the competition.

It is important to note that CAS login once again is in working order. Above page is where the user will be directed after clicking on one of the login links on any of the pages.

After logging in, the user will be redirected back to the homepage, which now contains some additional features such as MyEnergy tab. Moreover, the two login links at the header is now replaced with a logout link.
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