Friday, December 18, 2009

Taking ICS413

ICS 413 Software Engineering class was a quite of an experience. I got to brush up on my java skills, learned how to use numerous useful tools, and got to be involved in several group projects all in one semester. It may sound overwhelming at first, it might be at first, this class seemed to have gotten better and better as the semester went by.

The Robocode part of the class was rather challenging and quite interesting at the same time. Robocode was interesting because it gave us a good reason to perform well, that is to win the tournament. Even though I was disqualified for implementing a class I was not supposed to, it was still a good experience.

The group project aspect of this class is when the class starts to get really interesting. Dealing with teamates can be really fun or difficult, but you will certainly learn how to deal with tough situations that could arise in place like this. I would have to say, though, learning how to use the Wicket framework was not the most interesting part of the class. I remember that I can spend so many hours trying to figure out how to fix a bug, yet still I cannot find that one line that would magically solve the entire problem. Dealing with wicket was rather painful, but I would like to believe that it had given me a good life experience.

Finally, finishing up the version 2.1 of our wicket application was a satisfying experience. I certainly would not have been able to experience building such a complex application in any of the other classes offered in this department. Overall, I feel that I learned alot through this course. I would definitely like to take the next sequence of this course if I get the chance.

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