User can submit his activity once clicking on the "Submit for Verification" link. This will take him to the activity node itself that was created earlier by an administrator of the system. The activity node would look like the image below.

This is an example of a textfile verification type. The node will display a textfield for the user to submit his answer, and it will also display a larger textarea so that he can input additional comments if he has any. Clicking on the submit button will then submit the answer that will be stored in the database. The screen after the user has clicked on Submit would like like this:

The administrator of the system can create and monitor the activities as wells as approval/disapproval of the answers submitted by the participants. The administrator can create a new activity by clicking on the Admin tab.

Clicking on "Here" would take the administrator to the "Create Activity Node" page, which needless to say allows him to create a new activity. An administrator can also view answers submitted through clicking on the "Activity Manager" subtab under the Admin tab.

Here, the administrator can either Award or Decline a user submitted answer. Awarding an answer will take that entry and transfer it into the completed verifications table below. Administrator can also decide to "Undo Decision" which will take the entry back to the pending verifications table.
There are a few more tasks in which we have to complete before finishing our Usecase scenario. One such tasks would include automating the publishing of the Activity Nodes once the publication date has been reached. We hope to complete these tasks and move onto the next steps before the end of the semester.